Sunday, September 16, 2007

are christians lepers?!?... another article fm rpk...

christians are lepers and God is a false God?!?... whether you are a believer or not, to INSULT other religion than yrs like this is blatantly senseless and stupid, stupid, stupid!...

kj anything to do with this kelab penyokong maya umno (pkmu).. if so, did kj farked himself big time again?!?...

wat aab gonna say about this now?!?... nothing?!?... i think so too!...

think their website is filled with lies... ( and wat are the 'authorities' gonna do about this?!?... nothing?!?... i think so too!... the website are strong supporters of aab mah.... :) ...

p/s ; do you REALLY wanna vote this kinda brick shitters to office again?!?...

p/s ; gawd!.. wat is malaysia coming to?!?...

This is what Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno, the pro-Abdullah Ahmad Badawi website, wrote about me:

Oleh kerana hobinya memang suka menulis memandangkan dari dahulu lagi dia kurang bergaul di sekolah menyebabkan dia suka bersendiri. Mungkin sebab itu, dia menghabiskan masa dengan menulis, barangkali.

I pernah tengok artikel-artikel yang sebelum ni ada menyatakan yang Raja Petra di Islamkan melalui cara Pas. Depan orang dia bercakap pasal Islam tapi di belakang dia amalkan cara Kristian dia yang sudah sebati di dalam urat darah dia.

Apa yang I nak bagitau Raja Petra ni dahulunya adalah penganut agama Kristian Jesus….Dah tentu lah kafir nya dah sebati dalam diri dia dan keluarga dia.

Ada jugak yang I dengar pernah nampak dia singgah ke gereja bersama dengan isterinya. Buat apa lagi? Dah tentu lah itu cara dia mengingati tuhan nya yang palsu tu.

Orang macam ni memang tak boleh di percayai. Manusia yang bertopengkan Islam sedangkan pada dasarnya jiwanya masih Kristian dan cuba untuk menjatuhkan bangsa melayu.

Islam hanya di gunakan olehnya untuk menutup keburukan yang ada dalam dirinya yang sudah jelas masih lagi dirasuk budaya hidup dan fahaman agama Kristian.

Keturunan yang mengalirkan darah Kristian dalam tubuh anak-anak, cucu-cucu serta semua generasi Petra yang akan datang akan terus menjadi songsang.

Islam adalah agama yang suci, dan tidak harus di cemari oleh seorang yang hanya sekadar menggelarkan diri sebagai Islam seperti Raja Petra ini.

(HakMilik © oleh . Kelab Penyokong Maya UMNO HakMilik Terpelihara. Dipaparkan pada: 2007-07-30)

The above are but some excerpts from a long article that accuses me and my entire family of being immoral. Earlier articles even accuse my late mother of being a whore who walked the streets of Chow Kit Road.

The first paragraph actually makes me feel rather nostalgic. It reminds me of my schooldays in the 1960s. I must say that the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno boys are quite spot on. I certainly was a loner in school who did not mix much with the others and spent all my time reading a book a day instead of playing football, rugby, cricket, etc. I used to earn quite a bit of money as well ambil upah from the other boys in my class to help write their essays. My English teacher would summon me for interrogation as to whether I had written all those essays myself or had copied them wholesale from a book. When asked why he would suspect me of such a thing, he replied that my essays are too good for a boy my age and it appears like it was written by someone much older.

Now, as for paragraph two onwards, it does not perturb me one bit that they accuse me of being a ‘closet’ Christian who profess a religion of tuhan palsu (false God), as the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno boys say. Frankly speaking, I do not consider being called a Christian as an insult at all. But why couldn’t the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno boys have instead called me a swindler, someone who runs away to Thailand to secretly marry the Sultan’s daughter, gay, sex pervert who shags animals, male prostitute, gambler, or even mother-fxxxer if they wish. Why must they really go to town and ‘insult’ me by calling me a Christian? Honestly, I really don’t mind being insulted at all. I mean, they even insult my entire family including my dearly departed mother who was an epitome of a gentle-lady married to Malay royalty. Nevertheless, I just smile and do not lose any sleep over the matter. But to insult me by calling me a Christian gives the impression that these Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno boys consider that being a Christian is the most insulting thing on the face of this earth -- worse than a swindler, someone who runs away to Thailand to secretly marry the Sultan’s daughter, gay, sex pervert who shags animals, male prostitute, gambler, or mother-fxxxer.

I urge the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno boys to play fair. Call me a swindler, someone who runs away to Thailand to secretly marry the Sultan’s daughter, gay, sex pervert who shags animals, male prostitute, gambler, mother-fxxxer, or anything at all you so wish. I can take it. But please, I repeat please do not call me a Christian. You are not insulting me by calling me a Christian. In fact, I do not mind one bit being called a Christian. Many of my family members are Christians and they are lovely people. But to ‘insult’ me by calling me a Christian is to insult all Christians because when you ‘insult’ me by calling me a Christian you are insinuating that being a Christian is worse than being a swindler, someone who runs away to Thailand to secretly marry the Sultan’s daughter, gay, sex pervert who shags animals, male prostitute, gambler, mother-fxxxer, etc.

I mean, can you imagine a Chinese Buddhist ‘insulting’ another Chinese by calling him a Muslim? What’s so insulting about being a Muslim? Is being a Muslim worse than being a swindler, someone who runs away to Thailand to secretly marry the Sultan’s daughter, gay, sex pervert who shags animals, male prostitute, gambler, mother-fxxxer, etc? Or, what if an Indian Hindu insults another Indian by calling him a Muslim? What’s so insulting about being a Muslim? Is being a Muslim worse than being a swindler, someone who runs away to Thailand to secretly marry the Sultan’s daughter, gay, sex pervert who shags animals, male prostitute, gambler, mother-fxxxer, etc.?

Do you get my drift now? The Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno boys want to insult me. But they don’t insult me by calling me a swindler, someone who runs away to Thailand to secretly marry the Sultan’s daughter, gay, sex pervert who shags animals, male prostitute, gambler, mother-fxxxer, etc. They insult me by calling me a Christian. That means being a Christian is the most insulting thing they can think of. And if a Chinese Buddhist or Indian Hindu was to insult someone by calling that person a Muslim (meaning that being a Muslim is the most insulting thing on the face of this earth) there would be bloodshed on the streets of Kuala Lumpur. I mean; all they had to do was draw cartoons or caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad SAW and see how many people died from the riots that followed.

I appeal to the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno boys to be a bit more sensitive to the feelings of Christians. By all means engage Malaysia Today. But please spare the Christians. After all, this is between Malaysia Today and the entire Umno of more than three million members plus the Royal Malaysian Police (which Umno is using to ‘get’ me). I realise that it is not quite a fair fight and I apologise for that. I mean, there are only 3.5 million or so of you plus the police, mainstream media, and so on against me alone. If there were five million of you against me alone then that would of course be a fairer fight. Nevertheless, in spite of the mismatch and the unfair advantage I have over you, you will not score any points by insulting Christians and insinuating that being a Christian is such a terrible thing. I am sure if you personally speak to Christians you will discover that they are very happy they are Christians and do not consider being a Christian as such a curse as you boys from the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno imagine it to be.

I just hope no Christians will now march to the Dang Wangi Police Stadium at Jalan Stadium and make a police report against the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno website on grounds that the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno has insulted the Christians and has created ill-feeling between Umno and the Christians. Let us not forget, Umno alone cannot form the government. Umno holds less than half the 222 parliamentary seats. Furthermore, the 100 or so seats that Umno holds are not in 97% Malay-majority constituencies like PAS but are in mixed-constituencies where the non-Malays sometimes make up half the voters. Umno, therefore, needs the support of the Christians as well. But if the Christians were to find out that the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno considers that being a Christian is a great curse, then the Christians might abandon Umno and kick Umno out of office.

Frankly speaking, if I really am a Christian, I would be greatly upset that the Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno considers being a Christian as something terrible. But then I am not a Christian. So of course I do not take offence to that ‘insult’ one bit. But this is not about me. This is about being sensitive to the feelings of the Christians. I love my relatives who profess the Christian faith and I for one would not want to hurt the feelings of those I love. That, in a nutshell, is what I am driving at. And I hope, as a gesture of good faith, Kelab Penyokong Maya Umno will publish an apology to all Christians (and even if you don’t mean it pretend you do just to make sure that Umno does not lose the support of the Christians come the next election).


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