Thursday, October 06, 2005


sitting here in the office at 2243 hours doing my work and receiving one stunning sms fm edmund minutes ago...

uncle wong from state movers is half paralyse, now in uh.... mannnnnn... how in the world a strong man like him ends up in this condition?!?!?... he is 70+... driving trucks up and down the whole country... carrying stuffs that even myself found too heavy to carry... the last i met him and talk about a house removal job was about barely 2 months ago, he is still as strong as ever then... he got admitted couple of days ago... planned to pay him a visit within this week... and, stunned by the sms fm my bro... will do it probably tmr or something like that...

praying for his speedy recovery... the Miracle Worker up there sure have His own plans...

"things do hit you when you least expect it"
(TT - 5th october 2005)

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