Wednesday, February 07, 2007

takaful malaysia said saying/wishing happy deepavali is unislamic!... wat's next?!?...

i wonder wat will aab say about this..

i also wonder where is the umno fellas says about this...

where is muhiyddin, nazri, khairy, etc when they should say 'rubbish' to this?!?... they make brilliant statements!... or perhaps are they really 'feeling' the truth?!?...

as said via lks's blog.... "This is the latest episode raising concerns by Malaysians about the increasing Islamisation in Malaysia, especially after the recent shock statement by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that the national education system is Islamic. What next will be declared Islamic or unIslamic?"....

unbelieveable?!?... believe it!...

below is the letter fm takaful... fm lks's blog...

From: Mohd Fxxxx Mxxxxxxx – Jabatan Syariah, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 3:13 PM
To: TM All Internet Mail ; TM All Intranet Mail
Subject: Durga Pooja Greetings / Lakshmi Pooja Greetings / Deepavali Greetings
Tuan/puan warga kerja Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx yang dihormati,
Marhaban Ramadhan, semoga kita semua mendapat manfaat dan keberkatan
daripada bulan yang mulia ini.
Sebagaimana yang tuan/puan sedia maklum bahawa selain dari perayaan Aidil Fitri
yang akan disambut oleh umat Islam pada bulan ini, penganut agama hindu
juga merayakan 3 perayaan mereka seperti yang disebut dalam subjek di atas.

Sukacita saya ingin maklumkan bahawa kakitangan Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx perlu berhati-hati
dengan ungkapan ucap selamat sempena perayaan tertentu yang selain daripada
perayaan yang terdapat dalam Islam. Ucap selamat tersebut mestilah diteliti
impilikasinya terutama yang melibatkan hukum dan akidah.

Antaranya ialah ucap selamat Happy Durga Pooja atau Durga Pooja Greetings. Ia
bermakna selamat menyambut hari kebesaran Dewi Durga. Sambutan ini adalah
festival yang paling penting bagi orang-orang Hindu. Ia menandakan ketaatan dan
kepatuhan kepada Dewi Durga yang dianggap sebagai Mother of the Universe. Ia
disambut oleh oleh penganut agama Hindu pada hari-hari berikut:

29 Sept 2006 – Durga Pooja – Saptami

30 Sept 2006 – Durga Pooja – Mahastami

01 Okt 2006 – Durga Pooja – Navami

02 Okt 2006 – Dussehra – Vijaya Dasami

Untuk makluman tuan/puan, Durga Pooja mengikut kepercayaan penganut agama
indu adalah tuhan dewi yang mempunyai tangan yang banyak dan bersilang yang
biasanya kelihatan di kuil-kuil hindu.

Antaranya lagi ialah ucap selamat Happy Deepavali atau lebih dikenali di Benua Kecil
India dengan nama Happy Diwali. Deepavali atau Diwali menandakan kemenangan
kebaikan mengatasi kejahatan. Ia berkaitan dengan agama hindu juga di mana
mitosnya bagi penganut agama hindu di Malaysia ialah tuhan agama hindu yang
bernama Krishna telah membunuh Narakasura. Lalu penganut agama hindu merayakan
kemenangan ini dengan menyalakan lampu serta berpesta. Manakala mitos di Benua
Kecil India pula ialah kemenangan Ramayana membunuh Ravana.

Mengikut kepercayaan hindu, sempena perayaan deepavali mereka akan menerangi
rumah mereka dengan cahaya kerana dewi Lakshmi iaitu dewi kekayaan akan
berkunjung ke rumah yang diterangi cahaya dan akan memberkati keluarga terbabit.
Oleh itu perayaan Lakshmi Pooja akan diadakan 2 hari sebelum deepavali untuk
mendapatkan rezeki dan berkat yang berganda.

Setelah meneliti ketiga-tiga perayaan tadi maka jelaslah ianya ada kaitan secara
langsung dengan kepercayaan agama hindu. Seluruh kakitangan Malaysia adalah
dilarang untuk mengucapkan ucap selamat kepada ketiga perayaan di atas dan lainlain
lagi yang sepertinya kerana ianya boleh menyebabkan berlakunya syirik. Budaya
korporat Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx yang bersendikan Syariat tidak mengizinkan ianya berlaku
sekalipun untuk pelanggan yang beragama hindu atau agama lain yang mana ucap
selamat tadi membabitkan tuhan mereka. Ucapan Happy Durga Pooja, Happy Lakshmi
Pooja dan Happy Deepavali seolah-olah mengucap selamat buat tuhan hindu yang
bernama Durga, Laksmi dan Krishna. Dan ianya jelas bertentangan dengan akidah

Allah berfirman dalam surah ali-’Imran ayat 18 yang bermaksud: “Allah telah bersaksi
bahawa tiada tuhan selain Dia”. Dalam surah Muhammad ayat 1 Allah berfirman yang
bermaksud: “Maka ketahuilah bahawa tiada tuhan selain Allah”.

Bagi mereka yang telah terlanjur mengucap selamat kepada penganut hindu seperti
ketiga-tiga greetings di atas maka hendaklah segera bertaubat dan tidak
mengulanginya lagi pada masa-masa akan datang.

Semoga usaha kita untuk mengamalkan Syariat sebagai budaya korporat Xxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxx diberkati Allah dan mencapai kejayaan yang kita harapkan.
Sekian untuk makluman. Terima kasih.

i-CARE (integrity – Customer Focus, Accountability, Respect, Entrepreneurship)
Strengthening the Organization Culture towards a World Class Organization – The XXXXXXX
Mxxx Fxxxx Mxxxxxxxx
Shariah Dept
CEO’s Office
Syarikat Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Berhad (XXXXXXX XXXXXXXX)
Level 10, Main Block
Dataran Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx
No.4, Jalan Sultan Xxxxxxx
5xxxx Kuala Lumpur

for extra read on this matter... you can get them at...

Ikim: Sack Takaful man

PETALING JAYA: The Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia (Ikim) has called for the sacking of Takaful Malaysia's Syariah Department head for issuing an e-mail banning staff from wishing Hindus Happy Deepavali.

Its director-general, Dr Syed Ali Tawfik Al Attas, said Mohd Fauzi Mustaffa should be sacked because he was not fit to hold the position.

“Fauzi should also repent for his arrogance in thinking that he has the knowledge on the matter,” said Dr Syed Ali in a statement to The Star's Bahasa Malaysia news portal mStar Online yesterday.

He also agreed with Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Abdullah Md Zin who said on Wednesday that the ban imposed by Mohd Fauzi was his personal view and based on a narrow understanding of Islam.

In the e-mail that was sent to the staff of the Islamic insurance company, Mohd Fauzi said wishing “Happy Durga Pooja”, “Happy Lakshmi Pooja” and “Happy Deepavali” was deemed as expressing greetings to the Hindu Gods Durga, Lakshmi and Krishna, which he viewed as going against the Islamic faith.

In the e-mail dated Oct 3, Mohd Fauzi said Takaful Malaysia staff were prohibited from conveying their greetings for the three celebrations and other similar festivities because they could be deemed as blasphemous.

He also said those who had uttered such greetings to Hindus should repent immediately and not repeat them.

DAP Gives Takaful Malaysia 48 Hours To Direct Its Syariah Department Head Fauzi Mustaffar To Apologise To The Indian Community For His Derogatory And Extremist E-mail Forbidding Muslims From Wishing Hindus Happy Deepavali.


Press Conference Statement

by Lim Guan Eng


(Kuala Lumpur, Thursday): DAP express shock that Takaful Malaysia’s Syariah department head Fauzi Mustaffar has sent an e-mail forbidding Muslims to wish Hindu friends Happy Deepavali because Deepavali was a religious festival where Hindu deities were worshipped and thus wishing Hindus was like syirik (practising polytheism) to Muslims. In his email to his employees published in The Star yesterday, he said, “So Muslims who have inadvertently wished Hindus a Happy Deepavali, Happy Durga Pooja or Happy Lakshmi Pooja must immediately repent and not repeat it in the future”.

Calling on Muslims to repent is equivalent to branding Muslim greeting Hindu friends Happy Deepavali as a sin against God. This branding is insulting to Hindus as Deepavali is a holy celebration by Hindus. And also insulting to the status of Islam as a holy religion that respects other religious beliefs and practices where it has never labelled greeting Hindus Happy Deepavali as sinful.

DAP gives Takaful Malaysia 48 hours to direct its Syariah department head Fauzi Mustaffar to apologise to the Indian community for his derogatory and extremist e-mail forbidding Muslims from wishing Hindus Happy Deepavali. That a well-educated man well-versed in Islamic law can hold such extremist views is a sad and shocking indictment of the growing intolerant views against non-Muslims held by the few extremist Muslims. Should Takaful Malaysia fail to do so, then action shall be taken by DAP to uphold the right to freedom of practicing one’s religious beliefs and safeguarding racial and religious in Malaysia.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Dr Abdullah Md Zin has disassociated himself from Fauzi’s extremist views as without any religious authority and stressed that in a multi-religious and multi-racial country like ours, it is important to live in harmony and be nice to one another. However he has not done enough by demanding that Fauzi makes a full retraction of such views and make a public unconditional apology to the Indian community.

Would Datuk Dr Abdullah Md Zin be so undemanding if Hindus were told not to greet Muslims Selamat Hari Raya? If the Minister does not want to be accused of practicing double standards then he should press that Takaful retract and apologise for such extremism that insults Hindus, divisive, promotes hatred and poses a serious threat to racial and religious harmony.

Should Fauzi refuse to do so, then he should be sacked or be investigated under Section 4 of the 1948 Sedition Act with fines of RM 5,000 and imprisonment of 3 years. Section 3 (e) defines “seditious tendency" as a tendency that to promote feelings of ill-will and hostility between different races or classes of the population of Malaysia. Malaysia should prove that Islam hadhari celebrates religious freedom and has no room for such wrong and extremist religious branding.


* Lim Guan Eng, Secretary-General of DAP

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