Tuesday, December 18, 2007

30 seconds conversation with a car wash owner...

went to give my heidi a good wash and rub and this conversation took place... it went something like this...

wearing my bersih bright yellow t-shirt then...

car wash owner (cwo) : wah, you pakai 4 wheel eh?!?..

me : ya...

cwo : mana ko dapat baju nie?!?...

me : i pergi itu rally for the free and fair election hari tu.. apasal?!?...

cwo : wah, baju kuning nie sensitive nie...

me : yalah... pakai baju kuning pun sensitive, ntah-ntah apa lah diorang!... (at this very moment i honestly hope very much he is some fella from umno and 'rebutt' that statement of mine)..

cwo : hehe... yalah...

p/s ; wtf is wrong with people nowdays?!?... how come they are feeling so 'insecure'?!?...

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